How to predict the day:
Example:Let us assume the person reveals that his date of birth was February 12, 1978.
Twoformulas are used for prediction :
January, October = 0
May = 1
August = 2
February, March, November = 3
June = 4
September, December = 5
April, July = 6
For days ....
Sunday = 0
Monday = 1
Tuesday = 2
Wednesday = 3
Thursday = 4
Friday = 5
Saturday = 6
1 - Drop the "19" in the year of birth
(1978 becomes78)
2- Divide this number by 4 anddrop the remainder
(78 / 4 =19 remainder 2)
3- Add this answer to year of birth (19+78=97)
4- Add the day of the month of birth to this total
5- From the first formula, add the value of the month
(February = 3,109 + 3 = 112)
6- Divide this total by 7 (112 / 7 = 16 remainder 0 )
7- Take this remainder (0) and apply this number to the days in formula 2) 0 = Sunday
Therefore, he was born on aSunday.
Go amaze someone!
Lol over....
By : Sumit Bhadra ((ACS))