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Q1 . What is next homologue of C3 H 7 OH is called?
Answer: The next homologue of C 3 H 7OH is called
butanol C 4H 9 OH.
Q2 . What is the molecular formula of the alcohol
which can be derived from propane?
Answer: Propane: CH 3 -CH2 -CH 3 or C 3 H8
Alcohol obtained from propane is C 3 H 7OH.
Q3 . What is meant by the term functional group?
Answer: An atom or a group of atoms, which makes a
carbon compound reactive and decides its
properties. is called a functional group.
Q4 . Give the names of the functional groups: (CBSE
i) -CHO (ii -C=O
Answer: (i) Aldehydic group (ii) Ketonic group.
Q5 . Give the names of the following functional
groups: (CBSE 2007)
i) —OH (ii) —COOH
Answer: (i) Alcoholic (ii) Carhoxylic.
Q6 . Which functional groups always occur at the
terminal position of a carbon chain?
Answer: Aldehydic group R—CHO (R is tue alkyl group),
Carboxyl group R—COOH (R is the alkyl group).
Q7 . Why a candle flame burns yellow, while a
highly-oxygenated gas-fuel flame burns blue?
Answer: The most important factor determining color of
the flame is oxygen supply and the extent of fuel-
oxygen pre-mixing, which determines the rate of
combustion and thus the temperature and reaction
paths, thereby producing different color hues. In case
of candle, it is an incomplete combustion and the flame
temperature is not high. This gives a yellow flame. While
a highly-oxygenated gas (e.g. ethyne) flame burns blue
because of complete combustion raising a very high
Q8 . Why is the reaction between methane and
chlorine considered a substitution reaction? [CBSE
Answer: Methane reacts with chlorine in the presence of
sunlight to form chloromethane and hydrogen chloride.
CH4 + Cl 2 → CH3 Cl + HCl
With the excess of chlorine, aH the four hydrogen
atoms of methane are replaced by chlorine atoms to
form carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4). This reaction is
considered as substitution reactions because hydrogen
of methane is substituted by chlorine.
Q9 : Why does Carbon form compounds mainly by
covalent bonding?
Answer. Being tetravalent carbon atom, it is neither
capable of losing all of its four valance electrons nor it
can easily accept four electrons to complete its octet.
Both of these are requirements of ionic bond formation
and are energetically less favourable. Carbon completes
its octet by sharing of electrons and hence covalent
bonding is preferred.
Q10 . Give a chemical test to distinguish between
saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.
Answer. When saturated compounds are burnt in air,
they give a clear (blue) flame but the burning of
unsaturated compounds (akenes and alkynes) gives a
sooty (yellowish) flame. Actually, saturated compounds
contain comparatively less percentage of carbon which
get completely oxidized by the oxygen present in air. On
the other hand, the percentage of carbon in
unsaturated compounds is more and it requires more
oxygen to get completely oxidized that is not fulfilled by
air. So due to incomplete oxidation they burn with a
sooty flame.
Bromine-water test: Br2 water is a brown coloured
(a) Unsaturated hydrocarbons give addition reaction
with Br2 . So the colour of Br2-water gets decolourized.
R-C=C-R + Br2 →R-BrC-CBr-R
(b) Saturated hydrocarbons do not react with Br2 -
water, so the colour of Br2 .-water does not get
Q11 : What do you mean by Octane Rating?
Answer: Gasolines are rated on a scale known as octane
rating, which is based on the way they burn in an
engine. The higher the octane rating, the greater the
percentage of complex-structured hydrocarbons that
are present in the mixture, the more uniformly the
gasoline burns, and the less knocking there is in the
automobile engine. Thus, a gasoline rated 92 octane will
burn more smoothly than one rated 87 octane.
Q12 : Two compounds A and B react with each
other in the presence of a dehydrating agent to
produce an ester. Both react with Na to evolve
hydrogen gas. On reaction with Na 2 CO3 only A
evolves CO2 . Identify the functional groups present
in A and B giving reason for your answer.
Answer: Compound A contains –COOH group while
compound B contains –OH group.
Since carboxylic acids and alcohols react with each
other to form an ester, out of A and B, one is an
alcohol and the other is a carboxylic acid. This is
further strengthened by reaction of both with Na to
evolve hydrogen gas.
Only carboxylic acids react with Na 2 CO3 to evolve
CO2 , A contains –COOH group while B contains –OH
Following video posted on You tube by tutor vista nicely
summarizes this chapter:
Q13 : An organic compound 'X' is widely used as a
preservative in pickles and has a molecular formula
C2 H 2 O2 . This compound reacts with ethanol to
form a sweet smelling compound ‘Y'.
a. Identify the compound ‘X’
b. Write the chemical equation for its reaction with
ethanol to form compound ‘Y’.
c. How can we get compound ‘X’ back from ‘Y’?
d. Name the process and write corresponding
chemical equation.
e. Which gas is produced when compound ‘X’ reacts
with washing soda? Write the chemical equation.
a. Compound X is ethanoic acid which gives and ester
(Y) when reacts with ethanol.
b. CH3 COOH + CH 3CH 2OH → CH3 COOC 2H 5
c. Esters gives back alcohol and carboxylic acid in the
presence of acid or base.
d. CH3 COOC 2 H5 ---NaOH → C 2 H5 OH + CH3 COOH
e.CO 2 gas is released.
CH 3COOH + Na2CO 3 → 2CH 3COONa + H 2 O +
Q14 What would be the electron dot
structure of carbon dioxide which has the formula
CO2 ?
Answer: Electron dot structure of CO 2 is O=C=O given in pic
Q16 How many structural isomers can you
draw for pentane?
Answer: There are three structural isomers of pentane:
(i) Pentane
CH3 ‒ CH2 ‒ CH2 ‒ CH2 ‒ CH3
(ii) 2-methyl Butane (iso-pentane)
CH3 ‒CH 2 ‒CH‒CH 3
(iii) 2-2 dimethyl propane (neo-pentane)
CH 3
CH3 ‒ CH ‒ CH 3
Q17) : What are the two properties of
carbon which lead to the huge number of carbon
compounds we see around us?
Answer: Two properties of carbon that attributes to its
large family of carbon compounds are:
1. Catenation: Ability to form chains with other atoms of
carbon by covalent bonding.
2. Tetravalency: Valency = 4 i.e. it forms four covalent
bonds with four other atoms.
Q18 : What is Covalent bonding?
Answer: The chemical bonding occurs due to mutual
sharing of electron pairs of two or more atoms of
different elements is called covalent bonding. By mutual
sharing of electron pairs atom attain noble gas
configuration. e.g. In Hydrogen molecule (H 2 ), the two
H-atoms combine by covalent bonding (H-H).
Q19 : What are Hydrocarbons? Give examples.
Answer: Compounds of carbon and hydrogen are called
hydrocarbons. Methane, Ethane, Butane, ethyne,
propene, benzene, petroleum products all are examples
of hydrocarbons.
Q20 What are saturated
Answer: The hydrocarbons in which valency of carbon
is satisfied by a single covalent bond are called
saturated hydrocarbons. Alkanes like methane (CH 4 ),
ethane(C 2 H6 ), propane(C 3 H 8 ) etc. are examples of
saturated hydrocarbons. Saturated hydrocarbons will
generally give a clean flame.
Q21 "Saturated hydrocarbons burn
with a blue flame while unsaturated hydrocarbons
burn with a sooty flame". Why?
Answer: Saturated hydrocarbons have only C-C and C-H
single bonds and thus contain the maximum
possible number of hydrogen atoms per carbon atom.
With sufficient oxygen, saturated hydrocarbons burn
completely and give blue flame.
CH4 + 2O 2 → CO2 + 2H 2 O
Unsaturated hydrocarbons contain a carbon-carbon
double bond (C=C) or triple bond (C≡C). Hence they
contain less number of hydrogen than carbon.
Unsaturated hydrocarbons undergoe incomplete
combustion and give yellow flame along with black
C 2H 4 + O 2 → CO 2 + 2H 2 O + C(s)
Q22 : What are isomers?
Answer: Compounds with identical molecular formula
but different structures are called structural isomers.
Organic compounds show a great level of isomerism.
Isomers may be structural (due to difference in
arrangement of C atoms forming chain) or stereo (due
to arrangement of bonds in chain). With increase in
number of carbon atoms in a molecular formula leads
to increase in number of isomers.
Q23 Why do ionic compounds have high
melting points?
Answer: Ions have strong electrostatic forces of
attraction among them forming ionic compounds. It
requires lot of energy to break these ionic bonds or
forces. That's why ionic bonds have high melting points.
Q24 : What are the characteristics of Homologue
Answer: Important characteristics of Homologue series
1. Have same general formula.
2. Belong to same functional group.
3. Have general methods of separation.
4. Have similar chemical properties.
5. Show similar gradation of physical properties. e.g.
boiling points of alcohol increase with increase in their
molecular weights.
6. Similarly solubility decreases with increase in molecular
Q25 : What is the general formula of Alkanes?
Answer: C nH 2n+2
Q26 : What is a hetroatom? What is the hetroatom in
alcohol functional group?
Answer: In a hydrocarbon chain, one or more
hydrogen atoms can be replaced by other atoms
according to their valencies. The element which
replaces hydrogen in the chain is called a heteroatom.
e.g. in alcohol (-OH) functional group, oxygen is the
Q & A
Q1: List any five physical properties of metals.
Answer: Physical properties of metals are:
1. Metals are usually hard (exceptions are:
sodium and potassium).
2. These are sonorous.
3. These are lustrous.
4. Metals exhibit malleability and ductility.
5. Mostly they are solids (exception is mercury)
6. They exhibit high tensile strength.
7. These have high densities.
Q2: Are metals electronegative or
Answer: Metals are electropositive i,e. they form
cations by loosing electrons.
Q3: Define Malleability.
Answer: Malleability is the property of a metal, by which
it can be beaten into thin sheets.
Q4: Name a metal which can be cut with a knife?
Answer: Sodium
Q5: Give examples of metals which are found in
liquid form at room temperature.
Answer: Mercury and Gallium
Q6: Define ductility. Give two examples of metals
that exhibit this property.
Answer: Ductility is the property of a metal by which it
can be drawn into thin wires. e.g. gold and silver.
Q7: Give an example of metal which is
i. the best conductor of heat
ii. the poor conductor of heat
Answer: (i) Silver (ii) lead
Q8: What are metalloids? Give examples of
Answer: The elements that exhibit properties of both
metals and non – metals are called metalloids.
e.g. bismuth, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony,
tellurium and polonium
Q10: What are minerals?
Answer: The Inorganic elements or compounds of
various metals found in nature, associated with their
earthly impurities are called Minerals.
Q11: Can metals be extracted from all types of
Answer: No. Some minerals may have high percentage
of metals while other do not.
Q12: What are ores?
Answer: Those minerals from which metals can be
extracted profitably and conveniently are called Ores.
Q13: Define metallurgy.
Answer: The process of extracting metals from their
ores followed by refining is known as metallurgy.
Q14: Give an example of non-metal which is
Answer: Iodine
Q15: Give an example of a non-metal which is hard
and has high melting point.
Answer: Diamond (allotrope of Carbon)
Q16: What is gangue and what is concentration?
Answer: Ores are usually associated with unwanted
earthly matter called gangue (sand, clay etc.,) and the
removal of this unwanted impurity is called
concentration. The gangue has to be removed before
the extraction of metals.
Q17: Why do potato chips manufacturers fill the
packet of chips with nitrogen gas?
Answer: Nitrogen provides an inert atmosphere to
prevent chips from getting oxidised. Nitrogen is an
antioxidant which prevents oxidation of substances and
that's why such type of food material is flushed with
nitrogen in packs.
Q18: Name any non-metal which is found in liquid
state at room temperature.
Answer: Bromine
Q19 ): You are given two statements a and b,
select the correct inference from this:
a. Metals conduct heat.
b. Diamond is the best conductor of heat.
i. Hence diamond is a metal
ii. Statement a is correct
iii. Statements a and b is correct
iv. None of the above
Answer: ii. Statement a is correct
Q1: The most commonly used indicator in
laboratory is
(a) Methyl Orange
(b) Litmus
(c) Phenolphtalein
(d) Universal Indicator
Answer: Universal Indicator
Q2: Olfactory indicators are:
(a) Clove
(b) Turmeric
(c) Soap
(d) Rose Petals
Answer: (a) Clove
Q3: An element common to all acids is
(a) Chlorine
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Oxygen
(d) Hydrogen
Answer: (d) Hydrogen
Q4: Metal carbonate on reaction with dilute acid
(a) CO 2
(b) CO
(c) H 2 O
(d) H 2
Answer: (a) CO2
Q5 ln general, salts
(a) are ionic compounds
(b) contain hydrogen ions
(c) contain hydroxide ions
(d) turn litmus red
Answer: (a) are ionic compounds
Q6: On passing excess of CO 2 gas in an aqueous
solution of calcium carbonate, milkiness of the
(a) persists
(b) fades
(c) deepens
(d) disappears
Answer: (b) fades
Q7 When magnesium and hydrochloric
acid react, they produce
(a) Oxygen and magnesium chloride
(b) Chlorine and magnesium oxide
(c) Hydrogen and magnesium chloride
(d) Hydrogen and magnesium oxide
Answer: (c) Hydrogen and magnesium chloride
Q8: Dissolution of acid or base in water is
(a) Exothermic
(b) Endothermic
(c) Violent
(d) None of these
Answer: (a) Exothermic
Q9: Water contains more H+ ions than OH- ions. In
this case, water is
(a) neutral
(b) basic
(c) acidic
(d) cannot say.
Answer: (c) acidic
Q10: When an acid reacts with a base what
compounds are formed?
(a) water only
(b) metal oxides only
(c) a salt only
(d) a salt and water
Answer: (d) a salt and water
Q11: Which of the following is a property of an
acid?(a) slippery feel
(b) non-reactive
(c) sour taste
(d) strong color
Answer: (c) sour taste
Q12: On diluting an acid concentration of H+ per
unit volume
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) remains unaffected
(d) depends on type of acid used.
Answer: (b) decreases
Q13: What is pH?
(a) the positive logarithm of the hydroxide ion
(b) the positive logarithm of the hydrogen ion
(c) the negative logarithm of the hydroxide ion
(d) the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion
Answer: (d) the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion
Q14: Tartaric acid is the constituent of
(a) bleaching powder
(b) baking powder
(c) washing powder
(d) plaster of paris
Answer: (b) baking powder
Q15: A solution turns blue litmus red. Its pH value
is likely to be
(a) 4
(b) 7
(c) 9
(d) 12
Answer: (a) 4
Q16: What is the name of H 2SO 3 ?
(a) Sulphuric Acid
(b) Sulphurous Acid
(c) Sulphite Acid
(d) Hydrogen Sulphide.
Answer: (b) Sulphurous Acid
Q17: Which gas is produced by reaction of base
with metal ?
(a) Carbon dioxide
(b) Dioxygen
(c) Dihydrogen
(d) Dinitrogen
Answer: (c) Dihydrogen
Q18: Acid + Metal-oxide → ?
(a) Base + Water
(b) Salt + Water
(c) Base + Salt
(d) Metal + Salt
Answer: (b) Salt + Water
Q19: Which of the following is a weak acid?
(a) Hydrochloric Acid
(b) Nitric Acid
(c) Acetic Acid
(d) Sulphuric Acid
Answer: (c) Acetic Acid
Q20: An indicator is what type of compound?
(a) reducing agent
(b) strong base or acid
(c) weak base or acid
(d) salt
Answer: (c) weak base or acid
Q21: Which of the following is strong acid ?
(a) Acetic acid
(b) Citric acid
(c) Nitric acid
(d) Oxalic acid
Answer: (c) Nitric acid
Q22: Name the organic acid present in tomato
(a) Tartaric Acid
(b) Malic Acid
(c) Lactic Acid
(d) Oxalic Acid
Answer: (d) Oxalic Acid
Q23: Fill in the blanks.
(a) Turmeric, clove, rose petals are ______ _____ .
(b) Acids ______ _______ bases to form ________ and
(c) The term pH was coined by _______ .
(d) Turmeric turns _____ _______ in basic medium.
(e) ________ ________ is used in softening water.
(f) String acids show ______ ionisation while weak acids
show _______ ionisation.
(g) Calcium Sulphate hemihydrate is popularly known as
_____ ___ _____.
(h) Acids contain the hydrogen (H + ) as the only ______ _
(i) Bases contain the Oxide (O 2- ) or hydroxide (OH -)
radical as the only _______ radical.
(a) Olfactory indicators
(b) reacts with, salt
(c) Sørensen
(d) deep brown
(e) Washing Soda
(f) more, less
(g) Plaster of Paris
(h) positive radical
(i) negative
Q24: List the organic acid present in the following
(a) Citrus Fruits (lemon, orange)
(b) Sting of bees and ants
(c) Rancid butter
(d) Tamarind, grapes, apples
(e) Apples
(f) Gastric juice
(g) Vinegar
(h) Fats
(i) Urine
(j) Sour milk, curd
(a) Citrus Fruits (lemon, orange): Citric acid
(b) Sting of bees and ants: Formic acid
(c) Rancid butter: Butryic acid
(d) Tamarind, grapes, apples : Tartaric acid
(e) Apples: Malic acid
(f) Gastric juice: Hydrochloric acid
(g) Vinegar: Acetic acid
(h) Fats: stearic Acid
(i) Urine: Uric Acid
(j) Sour milk, curd: Lactic acid
Q25: State true (✓) or false (✗ )
(a) Heat is evolved during ionisation.
(b) Solution of glucose in water produces ions.
(c) Dry ammonia has no effect on litmus paper.
(d) Higher is the concentration of H(aq), lower is the
pH value.
(e) The concentration of aqueous solutions of acid, base
and salt are generally expressed in molarity.
(f) pH of a solution can vary from 0-14.
(g) HC1 is a weak acid.
(h) NaOH is a strong base.
(i) Curd is alkaline in comparison to fresh milk.
(j) pH = + log10[(H 3 O -]
(k) Distilled water does not conduct electricity.
(l) Analgesics helps to relieve acidity.
(a) Heat is evolved during ionisation. - True(✓)
(b) Solution of glucose in water produces ions. False (✗)
(c) Dry ammonia has no effect on litmus paper. (True)
(d) Higher is the concentration of H(aq), lower is the
pH value. True(✓)
(e) The concentration of aqueous solutions of acid, base
and salt are generally expressed in molarity.True(✓)
(f) pH of a solution can vary from 0-14. True(✓)
(g) HC1 is a weak acid. False (✗)
(h) NaOH is a strong base. True(✓)
(i) Curd is alkaline in comparison to fresh milk. False (✗)
(j) pH = + log10[(H 3 O -] False (✗)
(k) Distilled water does not conduct electricity. True(✓)
(l) Analgesics helps to relieve acidity. False (✗)
Q26: Identify which of the following chemical
formulas is acid, base or salt. Write their
corresponding chemical names also.
(a) HCl
(b) NaOH
(c) NaCl
(d) Ca(NO 3) 2
(e) Ca(OH) 2
(f) HNO3
(g) NH 4 OH
(h) (NH 4 )2 SO 4
(i) CuO
(j) H 2SO 4
(k) CuCO 3
(l) H 2CO 3
(m) MgO
(n) Mg3 (PO 4) 2
(a) HCl - Hydrochloric Acid
(b) NaOH - Sodium Hydroxide - Base
(c) NaCl - Sodium Chloride - Salt
(d) Ca(NO 3) 2 - Calcium Nitrate - Salt
(e) Ca(OH) 2 - Calcium Hydroxide
(f) HNO3 - Nitric Acid
(g) NH 4 OH - Ammonium hydroxide - Base
(h) (NH 4 )2 SO 4 - Ammonium sulphate - Salt
(i) CuO - Copper Oxide
(j) H 2SO 4 - Sulphuric Acid
(k) CuCO 3 - Copper Carbonate
(l) H 2CO 3 - Carbonic acid
(m) MgO - Magnesium Oxide
(n) Mg3 (PO 4) 2 - Magnesium Phosphate
Q27: You have been provided with three test tubes.
One of them contains distilled water and the other
two contain an acidic solution and a basic solution,
respectively. If you are given only red litmus paper,
how will you identify the contents of each test
Answer: The colour of red litmus paper changes to blue
indicates that the chemical is a base. If there is no
change in colour, then it is either acidic or neutral. We
can easily identify a base.
1. Mark the three test tubes as A, B, and C.
2. Take a drop of the solution A and put it on the red
litmus paper. Repeat the same process iwth solution B
and C.
3. If any of them changes colour to blue, then it is a
base.And remaining two are acid and neutral.
4. Now take a drop from the identified base and mix it
with a drop taken from the remaining two solutions
5. Check the drops of the mixtures on red litmus paper.
6. If the colour of red litmus turns blue, then the second
solution is neutral. If it does not change colour, then
the second solution is acid. This is because acidic and
basic solutions neutralize each other.
Q28: Why should curd and sour substances not be
kept in brass and copper vessels?
Answer: Curd and sour substances are acidic by nature.
e.g. curd contains lactic acid. When these substances
are kept in metal containers like brass and copper,
metal react with acid and liberate hydrogen gas and
other harmful substances, which may spoil these
Q29: Why vinegar is used in pickling?
Answer: Vinegar contains an organic acid called acetic
acid (CH 3COOH) which prevents the growth of micro
organisms. Therefore it is used in pickling.
Q30: Why phenolphthalein is considered acid base
Answer: It is because phenolphthalein turns pink in
basic solution whereas it remains unaffected in acid or
neutral solutions. It is able to differentiate between acid
(colouless) and base (pink colour).
Q31 Which gas is usually liberated when
an acid reacts with a metal? Illustrate with an
example. How will you test for the presence of this
Answer: Hydrogen gas is liberated when an acid reacts
with a metal.
Take few pieces of zinc (Zn) granules in a delivery tube.
Add 5ml of hydrochloric acid (HCl). White fumes will
rise. Pass the gas to a soap solution or collect it in a
balloon (as shown in the following video). The gas
collected is Hydrogen gas. Since H2 gas has lower
density as compared to air, the balloon will float in air.
Zn (s) + 2HCl (aq) → ZnCl2 (s) + H 2 (g)
You can test the evolved hydrogen gas by its burning
with a pop sound when a candle is brought near the
balloon (or soap bubbles).
Q32 Metal compound A reacts with dilute
hydrochloric acid to produce effervescence. The gas
evolved extinguishes a burning candle. Write a
balanced chemical equation for the reaction if one
of the compounds formed is calcium chloride.
Answer: Since CO2 gas is liberated and the salt obtain
has metal Ca, it implies the reactant metal compound
shall be a carbonate i.e. CaCO3
The chemical equation is:
CaCO3 (s) + 2HCl (aq) → CaCl 2 (s) + CO2 (g) +
H2 O (l)
Calcium Carbonate + Hydrochloric Acid → Calcium
Chloride + Carbon Dioxide + Water
Q33 Why do HCl, HNO 3 , etc., show acidic
characters in aqueous solutions while solutions of
compounds like alcohol and glucose do not show
acidic character?
Answer: As aqueous solution, HCl and HNO 3 dissociate
into H + and Hydronium (H 3 O+ ) ions.
HCl (aq) → H + + Cl -
H + + H2 O → H 3O +
Although glucose and alcohol contain hydrogen, as
aqueous solution, they do not dissociate into ions and
do not exhibit acidic character.
Q34(NCERT): Why does an aqueous solution of an
acid conduct electricity?
Answer: The aqueous solution of an acid contains H +
and Hydronium (H 3O + ) ions. Since ions carry extra
charge and are able to conduct electricity.
Q35: Why should acids be handled with care?
Answer: Acids have burning effect on our skin. They are
corrosive to living beings. Proper care must be taken
while handling acids in laboratory.
Q36: Why does dry HCl gas not change the colour of
dry litmus paper
Answer: Dry HCl gas does not form H + ions. It does not
show its acidic character. When in the aqueous
solution, an acid ionizes to form H+ ions. In this case,
neither HCl is in an aqueous form nor the litmus paper
is wet, therefore, the colour of the litmus paper does
not change.
Q37: While diluting an acid, why is it recommended
that the acid should be added to water and not
water to the acid?
Answer: When diluting, the acid should always be added
slowly to water and in small amounts. Adding water to
an acid is an exothermic process, it can cause
uncontrolled boiling and splashing. That's why it is
recommended that the acid should be added to water
and not water to the acid.
Q38: What is an amphoteric substance?
Answer: A substance is said to be amphoteric if it can
behave either as an acid or as a
base. Water is the most common amphoteric substance.
Q39: On the basis of origin, how acids are
Answer: On the basis of origin, acids are classified as:
1. Organic acids
2. Inorganic or Mineral acids
Q40: What are organic acids? Give two examples
Answer: Acids obtained from living beings (plants and
animals) are called organic acid.
e.g. citric acid present in fruits like lemon, oxalic acid in
tomato etc.
Q41: What are mineral acids? Give two examples
Answer: In general acids obtained from minerals or
non-living things are called mineral or inorganic acids.
Examples are:
Sulphuric acid (H 2 SO4 )
Nitric Acid (HNO 3)
Q42: What is the chemical name of Bleaching
powder? How it is prepared? List its uses.
Chemical Name of Bleaching Powder: Calcium
Chemical Formula: CaOCl 2
Preparation: It is prepared by passing chlorine gas
through dry slaked lime.
Ca(OH) 2 + Cl 2 → CaOCl 2 + H 2O
Slaked Lime + Chlorine → Bleaching Powder +
1. As bleaching agent in textile industry.
2. As disinfectant in water purification.
3. In paper industry to bleach wood pulp
Q43: Which acid is used in Cola to give it a biting
sharp taste?
Answer: Phosphoric acid.
Q44: What is gypsum?
Answer: Plaster of Paris reacts with water to give a hard
mass called gypsum.
(CaSO 4 )2 . H2 O (s) + 3 H 2O (l) →
2CaSO 4 .2H 2 O (s)
Plaster for Paris + Water → Gypsum
Q45 Define Dilution.
Answer: Mixing an acid or base with water results in
decrease in the concentration of ions (H 3 O + /OH –) per
unit volume. Such a process is called dilution and the
acid or the base is said to be diluted.
Q46 Tooth enamel is one of the
hardest substance in our body. How does it undergo
damage due to the eating of chocolates and
sweets? What should we do to prevent it?
Q: Why does tooth decay start when the pH of the
mouth is lower than 5.5?
Answer: Tooth decay starts when the pH of the mouth
is lower than 5.5. Tooth enamel, made up of calcium
phosphate is the hardest substance in the body. It does
not dissolve in water, but is corroded when the pH in
the mouth is below 5.5. Bacteria present in the mouth
produce acids by degradation of sugar (due to
chocolates and sweets) and food particles remaining in
the mouth after eating. The best way to prevent this is
to clean the mouth after eating food.
Using toothpastes, which are generally basic, for
cleaning the teeth can neutralise the excess acid and
prevent tooth decay.